Sun Tracking Solar Panel

As the non renewable energy resources are decreasing, use of renewable resources for producing electricity is increasing. Solar panels are becoming more popular day by day. In the country like ours where we face half a day load-shedding it has become the best alternative. Solar panels absorbs the energy from the sun and is stored in the battery. This energy can be utilized when required. Solar panels should absorb energy to maximum extent. This can be one only if the panels are place towards the sun direction. So panels should continuously rotate in the direction of sun. Sun Tracking Solar Panel Principle The sun tracking solar panel consists of two LDRs, solar panel and stepper motor and Micro-controller. Two light dependent resistors are arranged on the edges of the solar panel. Light dependent resistors produce low resistance when light falls on them. The stepper motor connected to the panel rotates the panel in the direction of Sun. Panel is arranged in such a way that light o...