Why to get into Robotics?

"Why someone should get into Robotics?" is the question that strikes on everyone's mind whether they are interested in robotics or not. The answer to this question is neither simple nor is complicated. That all matters is the little more knowledge and guidance. So, lets make the question "Why someone should get into robotics" answerable by categorizing these few points. Scope and Future The foremost thing that you should know is the scope and future of robotics. As automated system is ruling the world now, you can imagine how charming the robotics is. Today's market is not fully mature. One or more software compatibility layers have yet to emerge to allow development of rich robotics ecosystem. So major labor are replaced by robots and those knowing robots. Robotics create a well paid jobs. Robotics makes it possible to manufacture locally in places where environmental and work standards are more respectful than low wages regions. In the country like ours ...