Sending and Receiving SMS using GSM module (contd...)
Hello everyone! Hope you are being benefited from the information I have been sharing. Many of you have been working with GSM based projects and have been highly benefited from the earlier post of sending and receiving sms using gsm module . This is the continued version of the similar topic. Note: We recommend you to visit Sending and Receiving SMS using GSM module before you read further. Many were benefited from the earlier but faced problem while receiving sms from the mobile on gsm so I have tried my best to solve the issue with description and additional code in this post. Receiving a text message on SIM900 module is a bit difficult because now you need to place a check when user will send a message. So, ideally whenever anyone send a message to your SIM900 module, you should get notified. These are to be covered in detail. Now, after we get notified, there is a need to read message as well and who has sent the message. So, all we will place a ch...