Training Of Trainer

Solar energy has a huge potential in Nepal and being a technician who is able to install and maintain solar system definitely has a great career ahead. So seeing it further importance Robotics Association of Nepal(RAN) organized a free two days intensive Training of Trainers program on “Solar Installation + Maintenance and its business aspect” delivered by the maintenance engineers from Gham Power on  15th & 16th July which was supported by Google, Microsoft and The World Bank.

Participants for Training of Trainer
Participants who were willing to be a part of training must train the Youths in rural areas during the solar distribution campaign in Nuwakot and Dolakha districts organized by Robotics Association of Nepal [RAN]. Many participants applied for this session and it was quite a difficult decision for the selection. Based on their response to the question 20 participants were selected. These selected trainees were trained by the experts from ghampower.

Participants learning technical aspects of solar   
Installation procedure of Home System
The training was divided. The first day as the technical aspects of the solar and the second day as the knowledge on entrepreneurship in solar business. Among the 20 participants only 19 of them appeared. The first day of the training was basically about the Introduction to the solar PV, its features, installation procedure, calculation of power array sizing and many other calculation, para meters of panel and many more were learned by participant. The interfacing of the solar was also taught which along with the guides like the solar should be tilted 30` from North to South, the battery longevity, etc. The system for the household solar PV system was also shown.

The second day of the training was divide into two sessions. The first session was the entrepreneurship in solar business which was conducted by Mr. Kishor General Director from Gham Power. The business aspects of the solar business was clarified. The solar business can be classified as:
1. Trading Business
2. Solar as Commodity
Entrepreneurship in solar being explained
3. Solar as energy service

The third concept solar as energy service is the new but very beneficial  from business aspects. The energy services can be provided as the Micro grid, Nano grid and as ISPS where the system is owned by one but utilized by many and the one who is operating receives certain profit for providing service. This has a great scope for future too. The session was interactive too. The participants asked the questions and the answers were fed so that the interaction was quite attentive and the experience while working in the field of solar were also shared.

Participants assembling solar
The training procedure to the Youths in rural areas during the solar distribution campaign in Nuwakot and Dolakha districts, the problems that may be encountered and its solution, tackling the difficult situation, delivering the knowledge learned in the simplest techniques were briefed by Light Of Hope Project Coordinator Er. Bikash Gurung. Then the participants were provided with a set of materials and provided with the instruction to assemble so that they would assemble and brings their theoretical to practical. At the end presentations were asked to be submitted so that among 19; half of them could be selected for the campaign in Nuwakot and the remaining will again be processed to make them set for Dolakha.


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